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sharePosted date: 05 May 2021

If you take advantage of the opportunity to do an internship, you will reap several benefits. It's no secret that internships are a great way to discover your interests (likes and dislikes), build social networks, earn extra money (if paid), and make it easier to find a job after graduation. Some of the things you get through internships, including:

1. Hone Non-technical Skills

Non-technical skills are generally not covered in lecture courses. Internships are a perfect way to hone non-technical skills (soft skills) like communication, agility, time management, leadership, and responsibility, all of which are important in the workplace. Technical skills are, of course, essential for workers who want to advance in their careers. Non-technical skills, on the other hand, should not be overlooked. Employee assessment to be able to hold a leadership role is to prove that employees can be trusted in making the right choices, even if they are challenging, and can improve the talent of those around them, in addition to proving to be a great asset to an organization. Non-technical knowledge can only be sharpened and applied in the real world, not just in theory.

2. Apply knowledge first hand while exploring career options

If the internship you want suits your educational background, you will be able to apply what you've learned while also getting a taste of the industry's scope of work. Participating in a company's apprenticeship programme before becoming a permanent employee can educate you later. Which job would you like to hold? What technical qualifications are required for this position? How do the techniques and concepts learnt by you apply in a real world scenario and so on?

3. Gaining experience and increasing the "selling power" when applying for a job

Internships provide students and undergraduates with the opportunity to improve their "selling power" when applying for work. If you have completed an internship, the organization will place a higher priority on you because it demonstrates that you are a motivated and efficient individual. You will be more secure in applying to the companies you want, and your chances of landing a position will be better as compared to other applicants.

4. Build social networks

Developing your professional potential necessitates having a large and well-maintained social network. Because of their sense of confidence, humans like friends or workers with whom they share something in common and are familiar. You can gain more experience and imagination by socializing with people from various backgrounds the more acquaintances you have. You never know who could offer you a job or a business partnership.

However, not everyone can afford to apprentice rather than work as an employee. Changes in lifestyle following graduation, as well as a need to earn enough money, have prompted recent graduates to look for work with long-term commitments. As a result, if you decide to participate in an internship programme, make sure the programme offers enough compensation to satisfy your needs during your time there.

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