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Tips to survive in a country where you don’t speak the language

sharePosted date: 10 Jan 2020

One main concern among the prospective students is their fear of the language barrier. If you take the time to familiarize yourself with the right things, it becomes much more manageable.  Language is one of the barriers for surviving in a country but you can always learn the language while you stay there. Communication is the best tool to learn a native language. While communicating you must remember to let go of your fear then only you will be able to speak the language.

Here are some helpful tips on how to overcome this fear and get the best experience of studying abroad

Be Confident

One main thing you got to do is to you make yourself believe that you can do this. And while communicating with the natives of the country; you will become more familiar with the language. One can easily learn a language when they listen, interact and communicate with each other.

Body Language

When you are not able to speak the same language it’s important that you learn how body language is so that you can tell how friendly people are being, even when you can’t understand what they’re saying.

Be proud of Small Success

Once you confident that you can learn the language you should try communicating in the language and be proud of your small victories.

Be Patient

Some may find it difficult to follow the language initially but you have to be sure about yourself that you can learn. The way of learning always differ from one person to another, some people may take time and others may not. So be patient to learn the language.

All the above discussed points will help you to speak and learn the language. This will be a frustrating process, but at the end of the day you will grow up to be a more confident person.


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