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Why learning Spanish is important while studying abroad

sharePosted date: 08 Jan 2021

In today's European regions, the Spanish language is almost everywhere you look-you are regularly given a choice between English and Spanish when you use an ATM, log into a website or call an automated telephone company. Spanish is the world's second-most commonly spoken language, and there is a rising demand for speakers. You can connect with millions of speakers, land a good job and improve your life by learning Spanish. Spanish is considered the second universal language of communication in the world and the third language of politics, economics and culture in the world. Since the birth rate of the Spanish-speaking world significantly exceeds that of the English-speaking world, Spanish is likely to continue to be one of the most widely spoken languages.

Immersing yourself in the culture of Spanish makes it quicker and smoother to learn the language. As you make your way through the Spanish society, you will be able to connect with people whose main language is Spanish. You can benefit from studying in Spain or any other Spanish-speaking country:



You will be able to read some fantastic literature by writers such as Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Isabel Allende and Cervantes, as well as poetry by writers such as Pablo Neruda and Gabriela Mistral, by learning Spanish. You will also be able to extend your horizons and appreciate Spanish culture while studying Spanish abroad.

For their future careers, students who study Spanish greatly boost their skill sets. Bilingual jobs command higher wages and enjoy more possibilities. Speaking just one language just doesn't get you through, the way it could once have. Your brain will also benefit from learning Spanish. Research shows that learning several languages helps minimize the risk of experiencing memory-related problems. You will expand your English vocabulary as well. You will open the door to new friendships and possibilities when you master Spanish. Spanish is said to be the "key language of the future", according to the British Council.

There will soon be large numbers of people who speak as much Spanish as they speak English. Make certain that you are able to keep up with the conversation.

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