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Erasmus Mundus: Pursuing Joint Master's Degrees and Excellence in European Higher Education

sharePosted date: 07 Jun 2024

Fair : Erasmus Mundus: Pursuing Joint Master's Degrees and Excellence in European Higher Education

What You'll Learn:

  1. Overview of the Erasmus Mundus program and its benefits.
  2. Opportunities for pursuing joint master's degrees in European higher education institutions.
  3. How to apply for Erasmus Mundus scholarships and funding.
  4. Experiences of past Erasmus Mundus scholars and their academic journeys.

Who Should Attend:

Prospective graduate students interested in pursuing joint master's degrees. Educators and advisors guiding students through the graduate school application process.

Why Attend:

  • Gain insight into the Erasmus Mundus program and its offerings.
  • Learn about the application process for joint master's degrees and scholarships.
  • Hear firsthand experiences from Erasmus Mundus scholars and alumni.

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GSP Admin

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