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Bangor University Machine Translation KTP graded as Outstanding by Innovate UK

sharePosted date: 26 Nov 2019

Bangor University and Cymen Cyf have been awarded an A (Outstanding) rating for their recently completed Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP). Cymen is a translation company located in Caernarfon, and is one of the largest private sector employers of graduates in Gwynedd. The KTP focused on developing domain-specific machine translation between English and Welsh, using Cymen’s large archive of translated documents as training data. This research aims at making language technologies accessible and freely available for supporting the Welsh language and Welsh economic activity. This KTP was an exciting opportunity to transfer and exploit their  expertise in domain specific machine translation with Cymen’s vast archive of legacy translations. Working closely with the KTP associate, Myfyr Prys, they were able to demonstrate and present at a recent European machine translation academic conference in Dublin that Cymen’s bespoke engines gave much better results than larger general purpose translation engines such as those found on the web.
This partnership received financial support from the Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) programme . KTP aims to help businesses to improve their competitiveness and productivity through the better use of knowledge, technology and skills that reside within the UK knowledge base. This successful Knowledge Transfer Partnership project, funded by the Welsh Government and UK Research and Innovation through Innovate UK, is part of the government’s Industrial Strategy. 
The SMART Partnership project is part-funded by the Welsh Government. They offer financial support to innovative collaborative projects that require a range of expertise to help businesses grow, improve productivity and increase competitiveness.  The aim of SMART Partnerships is to increase the capability and capacity of Welsh businesses to undertake RD&I activity through knowledge transfer.

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