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Semester at Berkeley

sharePosted date: 08 Aug 2019

Two young scientists from Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies TUKE succeeded in the call of the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic for Investments and Informatization. The evaluation committee was engaged by their proposed projects and the scientists were given the opportunity to spend a semester at one of the world´s most prestigious universities - UC Berkeley in California.

Ing. Michal Takac
Project plan titled:
Vyskum a implementacia novych technologií do informacnych systemov ako podpora procesov v logistike a doprave /Research and Implementation of New Technologies in Information Systems for Support of Processes in Logistics and Transport/
Ing. Daniel Macuga
Project plan titled:
Plan mestskej logistiky pre riesenia mobility v Kosiciach /Urban Logistics Plan for Mobility Solutions in Kosice

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