In the autumn semester of the new academic year, lectures at Riga Technical University (RTU) will be organized in a mixed mode, both on-site and online. Special attention will be paid to observing epidemiological safety measures when organising on-site studies.
Lectures in the autumn semester will be organized in a mixed mode, both on-site and online, giving preference to on-site classes as far as possible. However, lectures in which the estimated number of students exceeds 100 will be organized online.
Such organization of lectures will minimize crowding in study rooms and hallways as much as possible. First-year bachelor students are given priority in planning the lectures, they should be provided with on-site lectures as much as possible.
In on-site lectures, academic staff members will register students in the attendance sheet, recording students’ name and surname, the place and time of the lecture.
By the beginning of the studies, academic staff members should prepare and insert a detailed plan for the implementation of the study course into ORTUS e-study course, indicating the way in which each lecture will be carried out, whether on-site or online, specifying whether the lecture will take place online, what platform will be used, etc.
Each faculty and regional study centre shall appoint the responsible person for Covid-19 issues who shall collect information on the identified or suspected cases, as well as coordinate and manage protective and informative activities.
If a student or employee is infected with Covid-19, has been in close contact with someone infected, or has returned from abroad and has to observe self-isolation, the responsible person at the faculty should be informed.
In cases where students or employees experience acute respiratory infection symptoms during the on-site study process, they must go home immediately, contact the family doctor, and inform the responsible persons at RTU.
In study rooms where lectures are held, surface disinfection is carried out once a day. Disinfectants for individual use are available in the study rooms and hallways. Where possible, two metres distance should be observed and crowding should be avoided, as well as other precautions should be taken.
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GSP Admin