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UK universities see 30% increase in Chinese applicants

sharePosted date: 23 Jul 2019

New data from UCAS has revealed that the number of UK university applicants from China has increased by 30% for the 2019/2020 academic year to 19,760, overtaking the 18,520 applicants from Northern Ireland.

The UK is the second most popular destination for Chinese students seeking a university education abroad after the US, which is becoming viewed as less attractive destination due to new visa restrictions and warnings from the Chinese Ministry of Education.

“The global appeal of UK higher education has never been clearer, with record, demographic beating application rates in England and Wales, and the steep rise in international applications, especially from China,” said Clare Marchant, UCAS’ chief executive, in a statement on the findings.

According to the report, applications from within the EU and elsewhere increased by 1% and 8%, respectively. While many countries saw a rise in the number of students applying to UK universities, applications from the Nordic countries decreased, along with those of Germany and Hong Kong.

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